Student Spotlight: In which Phoebe answers loaded questions in a busy coffee shop

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A guy's been, so I'm back an exploratory again. Yeah, well, I'm here again, and I'm here with my very good friend Phoebe. Phoebe, tell me a little bit about yourself real fast. Why'd you come to ever since I like it like all of us. I agree wholeheartedly with a lot of the things that I did too loving and read like I am a great life. I've talked a little bit about it with them for you. Huh? See, Phoebe, what is your opinion on the student body here? Emmerson collar. I'm setting like talent release forms to my teacher. Lizzie is another major, Lizzy, What do you think? This day today? Yeah. What do you What do you think of the student body here ever since I think they're great because they're so cooperative. They all want to work in a team which I feel like you don't find a lot of film school, right? Like Yeah, I feel like I like you, A lot of kids that Chapman and none of them are very like, you know, cooperative teamwork based people. They all like to be like, Oh, tour, you know what I mean? We're just fine. I think it's more important that the industry, yeah, it's more important to be like, willing to work in a team of willing to do whatever you can to make that film. Who do you have anything to add to what Lizzie said about its body, or I feel like a lot of creative people. It's It's really nice to be around all that creative energy because it really like drives you and makes you want to also be creative and, like make a lot of awesome stuff that's really nice. Uh, what is your favorite? At least favorite? Part of everything. The thing is, people I love with all of them are sending up. They're really great students and staff was so nice, just at least everything's. I'll give you I love being in downtown, but there's definitely, like, some drawbacks. My look, it's not always the same this night like, honestly, I've never felt very unsafe. Only Phoebe is also an honor student like Owen, who I also interviewed. If you're in the honors program, you're going to be friends. Yeah, you'll have shared pain, but that's kind of the same case in a lot of classes that you end up having an emerson. You become friends based on, like, commiserating over. I have this paper I have to write, or this project we have to do. Guys, But like, that's basically it.