Mill Point housing

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We have a lot of housing options here on campus and off campus that are very, very close toe on campus. I'm a junior, so I'm ableto live in what what most along soon's think is the best on campus apartments toe live in there called Mil Point Apartments. So I am currently in my room on I will take you around and show you a little bit of the inside of the apartment and also the outside of the apartment. There are four rooms per no point apartment, and each room has its own bathroom. I was very busy this semester, so I don't really have time to decorate the walls. You have your own shower, and there's also a lot of closet space, which is really nice. So some milk departments have different layouts that this one in particular is two rooms on this side into rooms on that side. Down the hall, there's a washer and dryer for free. Don't toe pay for that This is the living common area. So one thing that's nice about the second floor is that you have a nice porch out here, a little deck. I would say anyone that lives in my point is very, very lucky, because they are the nicest on campus apartments. They're all so beautiful, and not that far away from everything else on campus from all the buildings. They're going to open it in a couple of days, and I'm super super excited for that. There's a basketball hoop, which someone left their sweatshirt up there. These air for E knows if anyone wants Teo hang out on a nice day. Here's the Sand Volleyball Court, which a lot of times you'LL see students playing when it's nice out. This is where you go to check in to check out if anything that you need, there's a printer in here as well, and there's also a gym. Then over here is the printer, so you can go over here and the way to the printers work on campus is that you take your Phoenix card and you tap it against the little topper there. Then you can basically print anything that you want off of this pad, which is really nice. So all you do to print is you send your documents to an email and then it'LL just show up on their. So that is how you print documents and Ilan Wei have a couple sewing machines. Ellen is recycled because we like we like tio reduce, reuse, recycle. So we have wonderful recycling bins and trash bins that are readily available in all locations on campus. You can always find places to recycle and a lot of dining halls, which I will show you later have compost as well, which is very ego friendly and awesome.