Admissions and weather!

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So over here is our admissions building if you have a visitor. Kids, this is where you'll find, uh, anyone need need to ask any questions up. It's where all the tourists start and things like that. Anything ahead, which is what we're going to head next. Take a look at the business school and then also the new building that they added on for entrepreneurship. It is a hot, sunny day hearing you on my phone Says it's ninety degrees, Uh, which is definitely not what I'm used to back at home, but absolutely loved the weather here, um, summer for longer than it is back up in Boston and even the winters aren't that cold. It'll be funny at the ER cancel classes are a chance of ice, which is something that I was never introduced you in high school. Uh, this is actually only gonna be my second time in this building. Super pretty walking about a meeting, spaces study spaces you'll find basically every academic building that there's different studies. Things like that because they do, like, seems to be ableto go right from class and work on your projects. The teacher's office is so this is kind of what a typical costume would look like in a business school. Uh, projector usually comes down from right up there.