Kate and Audrey sit down for an insightful conversation about the Duke Experience
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Audrey is like, on the house, counsel for our door, and it's just all so, like, a really good friend doing only introduce yourself. So close barricades from a freshman here at Deke and Yeah. So the first question is, how would you describe, like, the big population, like, once and ends? I think I describe accidents as just don't generally very passionate out lots of different things. I think we all can still come together as a community here, which I think is really cool. Then what air Like your most Weaver, and like your least favorite things about college, I would say my most favorite are just that you have some things they're very scheduled. Other than that, you kind of just playing your own schedule, your own life. There's a lot of freedom to just, uh, schedule things the way you want to which I think it's cool. I would say my least favorite is just There's a lot going on all the time, and you have to figure out what you want to go Teo and like and just manage your time. Well, so you could do the things that you want to without being overwhelmed by everything. Do you have any tips for, like, pre freshman or any like application ships or anything? Um, I think my advice is just that like, I do believe that, like, I know the application process is really stressful. I think the people there are some people here who, like, thought they wanted to go somewhere else. So just recognizing that, like, everything is going to turn out the way it's supposed to.