Meet Mike! The University of Cincinnati

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I'm studying electronica media, which is like a audio video degree and communication. Really? Because I think the University of Cincinnati is highly underrated, and I just wanted a chance to be able to show off, uh, a bunch of different things that you see has to offer. So I chose to go, you see, because I like the size of it. Forty five thousand undergrad, I believe, but it's all condensed are like a square block. So half mile by half mile by half mile, all the buildings are there, everything. So you still get like a small school feel, but it still has a lot of resources and a lot of different programs to offer another advantage about you. What Coop is is a program that allows students to get internship credit as class credit. What happens, say you're in an engineering fueled you go in, you do your classes for a year and then you internship and then for the rest of college career, you get a class and then you'll enter and you graduate. It makes it a five year program instead of before your program. You get to make a lot of money doing that which you get neither save put towards your tuition. Payer ran whatever it is, but besides just the pro factor of getting money through internship experience, you get really good actual experience where what you could project resume. This is pretty unique for students to graduate with. Several internships versus maybe one or two go into a different college. Another reason why I love you see is because it has a diverse set of really good programs. There's a lot of fun engineers here, and they also have a school called DAP, which is sign art, architecture and planning. I believe in that school they house a lot of different students, designed students, which they also have the Coop program. I know a lot of people who have just been all over the country getting great experience on DH paid and their specific field. It offers the CCM College College Conservatory of Music, which is a music. I'm a tech they not music, but school on technically in it's all shit. A lot of students from there go off to Broadway and whatever other music stuff that I am unaware of. Whenever you're walking faster, you actually hear people practicing their violins or whatever it's it is fun. I like you, see because of the diverse student body, how it's a big school with a lot of resources, but it still feels like a small school, like everywhere I go, I feel like I know people you see has a lot to offer. Everything's for essentially located, and also you have some more in the next few videos.