Unlocking Potential: Design Thinking
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A red frame lab is meant to inspire creative thinking. It gives students the space to come together to think together. Toe work to be agents of change helps us better understand each other, better understand how we can function as a community and collaborate on a larger scale. More intentionally, the Center for Innovation has the potential to be something that is distinctly Dennison. Design thinking is about the way that we approach a problem specifically focused around problem. Solve it toe listen deeply and compassionately, using the skills of the liberal arts and funneling that in tow a framework to solve problems as a community. These air incredibly important skills for anybody in any walk of life, and all the elements of design thinking are of increasing interest to employers. You will differentiate yourself out in the marketplace. You're going to be in a profession where you have to think outside the box and you have to be flexible in one of the things that stays with you. Is your ability to problem solve and your ability to get things done? They're going to be more successful, and I think that's really what we're trying to do. The red frame lab has a potential just to influence the culture. We want this to be something that is part of Denison's DNA, a touchdown, part of the Dennison experience, and I think that's what's really exciting to us. It's a distinctively Dennison way for students to solve problems.