Joelle talks about the Academic Climate at Dartmouth

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In terms of academic climate at Dartmouth, I'd definitely say it's a pretty it is a competitive school in terms of academics, people are really busy. It just condense a semester's worth of material into essentially nine weeks and then one week of exams. Like I said before, Uh, there's a lot of unity. We have a hashtag rigor that just demonstrates the Dartmouth attitude about it. We're aware that, like, yes, people are like trying to do really well. People work hard, but at the same time, we kind of like, laugh at ourselves a little bit in lighthouse. I think of approaching really academically different cold, um, times. Another thing that I really like about dormant is that despite being this really intense academic environment, there is such a lack of competition. There's no people trying Teo calling each other Teo put them on the upper half of the curve and put some else below that. I've never been, like, accused of cheating or anything, and he would have never lied to me or try to, like, mess up notes that they give me or anything Tio, you know, screw me over which I've definitely heard of other schools. So something in that regard, it's pretty lucky to be an environment like Dartmouth where yes, you want to do well, but there's also a sense of integrity, and also the academic honesty principle of Dartmouth is so intense, where people get very, very severely punished for any kind of plagiarism, cheating, anything like that. So I think that's taking really, really serious.