Q & A: Meal plans?

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Hunter College does not have Damien Gun and does not need a meal. We live in New York City like we're in New York. Would you want? Because you're in New York and it's It's amazing because you could literally go anywhere. We're right by the six light, and the six line takes us basically up and down on her head, so anywhere you want to go. Uh, most like frequents thoughts like people usually like go to would be, like, probably Lafayette's like Osho SoHo. There's also the unions were a lot of food in Union Square. Like, twenty third sheet by Gramercy. I'm just saying there's a lot of food everywhere that's outside of Hunter College, so you don't need a meal plan. I recommend, just like venturing out, trying new foods like outside of your comfort. So you know what I mean? Um, yeah, so definitely big, big, like cultural foods in New York City that you need to try. I would say, you know, stay away from pizza, even though there's a pizza place, there's pizza cafeteria. I'm just saying like, it's not that bad. Really. You could get, like, an actual slice across the street.