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Um, bombing daily schedules, So usually all the time, Like, two, three classes a day, you get to pick your own schedule. Remember when I was a freshman year, I had a schedule that only was two days, except I went to school from seven in the morning to a thirty at night. So I had quite clearly quite a day of on those two days, but only with the school two days a week. So I was like, this is great, and I don't want to say do that um, I will say that it was very hard just being able to wake myself up that early to get to school. Only God, guys, when you write the same glasses to not register for seven ands or a dams because if you're commuting, wake up at six o'Clock, the is going to mess you up home. Aren't we learning anything? So I suggest like nine. Huh? But I know if you read stuff like aliens, that's going to bite you, uh, behind later on in the semester, you're gonna have, like, no motivation to wake up and be like, No, I'm not going to today's class with this too early, so I just wanted you in advance. Like, Oh, I just have one a m in the morning that I'm done and have no school. I'm speaking from experience and like a lot of people to the same thing, I'm going to show up late, or you just, like, you know what, I'm already twenty minutes late. So when you are interesting for glasses like pick feasible times, but you're going back to like a schedule. Like, usually, classes meet twice a week, so I would have the other days free. I felt like that was good for me because I'm more of a self learning like elections only work for me on don't like going home like a textbook on going anyway, So for me, that was great. You have to, like, know yourself, like are you to say a person to go home and study or use a person to be like at home? Watch enough likes and studying with your notable inside like that? You know, it's just definitely like, think about that before you commit to a schedule on DH. Yeah..