Student Interviews: Meet Mohammed, Pre-Health & Nursing Major

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So specifically about the nation worker like, I want you to introduce yourself first. What is your name? What? Your u sophomore first year. Uh, so I just wanted to ask, like, how do you feel a lot better to like it? Yeah, I'm enjoying it and enjoying it so far, but it's been stressful. I didn't think it was a stressful about this semester with pharmacology Meant search, too, Michael Value. Like, what feeds that way? Yeah, we're really just, um so I was like, finishing program. What do you think? It's like the best part about it? Um, okay. She's serious, but like, you know, Yeah, It's a lot of places they like actually care. I feel like sometimes we have learned useless thing. Meaning like like an out of you like Michael, Right? Like outside classes and other merchant classes. Too Feeling we're learning a lot of permission. This is very hard in conjunction with, like, all the work we already have to do. Describe, like the student body within the nursing program. Like, compare that to like, regular hundred. Um, because most of us are really supportive minus myself. In the nursing program within the nursing program, I think a bone is really supportive, and that's that's needed, especially in the career path. Did you get the same way like a hunter before you were in there? A supergroup? Uh, not necessarily. Or, like, you know, studying for exams last, Mr. A lot of people were just about themselves. You know, I understand that because everybody was trying to get in, right. Okay like any last words, you wanna say anything to prospective students? Anyone was about it being the nursing program wants to apply anything, I would say, you know, I wouldn't say Don't do it. I would say, you know, when you come in and just make sure that you know, you know what you're signing up for, right? Uh, like we were just saying first here was really easy with the breeze. I was able to, you know, work out, play ball to a lot of things. Whatever you want to do it much that and take you cam math classes.