William James Hall & Working on Campus

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So right now we are William James, and I'm not gonna give you a full toward its a little bit. I'm going to show you We have personal counseling in here way, all types of stuff in the basement. So here we have personal counseling offices, but they have personal and group counseling. We also have a full disability office for getting combinations for disabilities. So Nick actually just got paid, and I'm gonna have to talk a little bit about jobs on campus. There was a program for high school students can take classes on this campus and get college credit just for here before all the CUNY and certain schools and some other private schools as well. So what I do is I attend the high school classes with them. Mom and I help them scheduled study sessions to make sure they're passing the class, and I get paid for that. There's also work study, so work studies would work on campus and the money which is called directly towards your tuition, so sort of like an additional financial aid. My roommate is a tour guide on campus, so high school students or other people come to the campus sheets from different tours and show them around campus. There's tons of different opportunities available here.