NYPIRG Brooklyn College Chapter
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What's a good way that people could make friends like the friends I can just by joining different student close activities were involved here in the office at nine. So we are political group on campus that is run by maintained by students. Students make up the board makes a decision what we're going to work out, which is really great thing about us. We get student activity money so it goes into your tuition. Then we have the money to put events for about students on campus and to provide resources for them. So we worked out things like three years ago, banned fracking in your state. Then we do small, low key things like Well, do you know charity drive around been world, which is the neighborhood for couches or well, client, You know, super different parents were not perishable food items for a while. So this is the night for office right now we're working out a family Hinds drive. So people have been doing any pads Tampons from students on. We also collected seventy five dollars with from target is right over there. So this is where we'LL have meetings is well planned out what we're gonna do next for activism on DH. Yeah, it's a really great space. I don't even really work here in that much anymore. I'LL still come by and hang out with my friends And you know, it's a great social environment. A clubs of broken college Sanchez about the club itself.