Room Tour
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So today I'm going to be showing you a video of my room. It is the biggest storm of the entire Ivy Week here at Cornell University. With over rooms in car addiction are single rooms. So when I chose a room selection Oh, I did request a single room because her like, it's good to have some privacy the first year, and I was originally they kind of scared that, you know, it'LL be hard for me to make friends, but this is kind of isolated because it was a six and a single room, people are in fact, very social leave doors open. Actually, some of my best friends I made are here at Dixie and so I'm gonna be showing you Video is my room. It's a single room and clarity x in hall that's me right here. Okay? So starting off with a door, I had cash some Harris here just for towels for my winter jacket. Absolutely critical, because in the winter, going to be worry a lot of heavy jackets and it's gonna be like, wet and sloppy and gross, who definitely want you hang it up somewhere. Or if we often have left overs or things like that in your fridge is helpful. Also there's also like a community fridge in each like community kitchen on each floor. Like people kind of like tekere food or like it's not convenient, you know. What is it? That's how I knew your old fridge is definitely nice. Apologize, just like hair dryer makeup, like general, things like that. So this is my desk, The chair and all this came with the room. So what I did was that I actually attached a seat cushion because it's more comfortable, like that lamp also came with the room. Like wasn't necessarily by one, and you could see there's actually a lot of storage space. I just kind of like throw my things around even here to like, this's, like ample spacing to put a lot of other things. So every floor you basically have, like, trash back through to use our she just vacuum my room. Do you have a vacuum that each floor can use? Okay, here I bought a drying rack because during the winter a lot of my sweaters are like hand wash only. So I dry here, and also it's just like good shelf ing. I actually just finished my lottery, so I haven't folded it yet. Over here Oh my God, it's kind of messy, So I have some like drinks. This this is just like a drying rack for some of my dishes, so my dishes are actually still in the sink, so I didn't cook that much First investor, But I should get tired of food. You want to cook more, and there's just some like but sandwich bags, laundry backs thing looks like that guy's my bed. So the bed you can actually send a request like double often, meaning like you feel one more storage space, you could make it higher. I actually bought like another mattress and add on top of us. His original mattress is like really soft and under here. I just have, like, my suitcases more winter boots on DH. Just like some food. I have have some incidental saltines, a healthy popcorn T things like that umbrella absolutely critical. I think, the best part of my room stalling the privacy. Oh my hang along like my winter clothes and, like fast here like dresses up here and up there is a really nice store space this also, you see how they're also used to be like a shelf here. This is just like a great room, like a lava dorms. I know I actually don't have this, Dixon, like almost every room, have it absolutely amazing. So just know that we can see I'm on the fifth floor. So special thing about fifth floors, like definitely listed slat have roofs. Um, what people likes kind of claustrophobia, but what people see, that's kind of claustrophobic, but I think it's fun. Definitely love my room like it's great, really. If you're ever wondering what a claret Dixon's single looks like, this is it. I think that if you request a single room and request to pay extra for it, they'LL most likely put you n Dixon just because most of the rooms here I think you guys were watching a video. I hope that I helped you in, like looking at what single room looks like looking at like what I put in that room and thinks you should bring to college and things like that.