Plum Tree Japanese Restaurant

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A very popular college down there with some of my friends. He is here, but she doesn't want to feed you. So I'm gonna have they've into a self introduction. I'm currently a computer science major in the College of Engineering. I'm taking multi variable calculus and I'm also taking Wait. Which door? Which dorm are you in? I'm seeking nicest. You thank you for being one of the most popular things. So a lot of like the fraternities in a lot of club social clubs and things like that A friend they always have a lot of events here. I think is also like, what I'm best part of ethical because, like all the shot is, such a tight knit community is really nice. Like, this is just one of the many places in college towns that are good. Who's like psych on dishes down there? I mean, down down town of there's just like cocoa And, like what? That Indian place home? Ha ha. Yeah, there's there's a lot of restaurants college town on. Not gonna fill that, But thank you for watching that video that you enjoyed it.