Multi-talented Medina

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She is also a recruitment chair over Cornell Court. Please introduce yourself and explain why parts of my name's Medina. I am a psychology and government major with a cognitive signs and music minor miners. I chose Cornell because I really like the atmosphere. It was kind of similar to the town that I grew up in in that it's a little bit local in the city. I like the diversity of people that I found here, and I really liked the academic environment. What experience could you describe the student body yet? Just like I said before, I'm interested in buying extremely diverse. There are a lot of difference Thinker's allowed different minds that you will come in contact with here, and there are so many different perspectives that you may not ever have otherwise encounter. I personally for me, I came from very small town, like five thousand people. Then as soon as I got here was a little bit drying just because there were so many different people on campus, and there were a lot of opportunities to like, make new connections. I think that's probably the best part about being in L. A. It feels very large at first, but over time you get to see realize that you see the same faces a lot and through the little clubs and communities that are male and really like fine. So psychology specific? Well, specifically, I think no. I didn't take any psychology classes when I was in high school, so it was kind of just interest that I had in the back of my mind. Then when I got here, I found that I've really enjoyed all the different classes I was taking. There hasn't been a psychology course that I've encountered that I haven't enjoyed yet. Government has actually been a recent addition to my academic career, and I am enjoying it extremely. The professors are also knowledgable in their fields, and they really challenge further the way that you think about different. Okay, can you name your favorite and least favorite part of the school? My favor definitely have to be. I saying, you know, my entire career then and I really was looking for an environment in my college search that had, you know, not only course that was like, very well, like they execute music well, but that felt like a community and something that I would be able to feel like I was a part of, not just like a singular person. Family aspect is something I've enjoyed a lot. Then my least favorite part Cornell going to say my apartment. Your apartment, I mean, I mean, the typical answer would be the wet. There isn't because it's cool, but I don't really mind the cold per say things.