Mews Hall Common Rooms

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What's up, guys? This is Ben, and I'm going to be doing an overview of one of the common rooms at Muse Hall. So one lounge is pretty much the biggest common room in Music Hall. There's quite a bit of common room's in use, all but this is definitely the biggest you can see. I'm not entirely sure what type of you know that is, but I mean, no other coming has that you've got some great table for studying. You can see you've got some pretty nice windows over here. As I said before, there's a lot of common rooms and Muse Hall. Lund Lounge is by far the biggest and the cleanest, and it generally looks the nicest honestly, like the atmosphere. A lot here, compared to a lot of the other con rooms. Now that, uh, the beginning of the year is way past us. There's not as many events that happen in one's lounge as often, but there are still times when the Rays will have a party. They'LL have some free food, I think on Valentine's Day they had a huge event at Lined Lounge. There's a lot of stuff that takes place in London Lounge. The only problem is it doesn't have a TV like some of the other common rooms in my ears, all wage I'm about to show you. So one last sweeping overview of London Lounge before we move on to the other common room's in use. No TV, which someone other common rooms actually do. Hey, you can see we've got that side amuse all over here. The Westside is all the way over there and being along. I don't want to disturb people studying there right now, huh? There's a water fountain over here. There's a gender inclusive bathroom over there. Here is the main entrance for Eastside amuse home again and shaped like a U and that's the side. This is We're also a lot of events are held because it does have a TV, but there are people sitting in their teeth, so I don't Here you can see there is yet another common room. It's a general trend and use all there's only this one has a spiral staircase that goes up to the second floor kitchen. There's one last common room on the end here that you can also do your stuff. Nice places that study or chill out because Amuse Hall is one of the newer dorms on North campus and for freshman means there's air conditioning. You'LL never have to worry about it being uncomfortable while you're studying or while you're hanging out with friends, whatever it is you're doing and that's about it from your home by.