Klarman Hall

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So where I'm going to show you right now is Carmen Hall. Use is really popular cafe in Carmen Hole, and unfortunately, they don't take big red bucks. They do teach cash, and I think the best thing about them is their suits, and it's really helping, and everything is home made. Over there is the temples of his cafe, which our show you guys more in detail. It's definitely one of the newest buildings on campus. We have a club meeting right now, so I can't show more. So Karma Hall is directly attached to Goldman's Beth Hall, which is an older building in a top. So right now it's around for So there isn't that many people buy used during lunch. Time is really busy here for two views from the most proper items here, like coffee soups, et cetera, And so in Carmen Hole. This is where most of the administrative buildings for the cause of arson sizes are self get. This building is on the art squad. And I was like Key art in Sciences building where many of the humanities classes are. I just really like it because of the whole natural lighting and things like that. Now I'm on the uppermost floor of Carmen Hall. You could have like the bird's eye view so you can see here. This is temple dues and you can tell it's like the older architecture and older structure because that's connected You Golders with also is really just a new building at it onto an old one over here, like the administrative offices, um, and I will shriek eyes with works Outside woman Terrible. As you can see, it is a pretty glass building that is new with a cashew Coleman's hall. If you see my other video sized Baker laboratory, that is physical sciences, building. For me, like most of the classes are Louis and just see through buildings and since it's so close to North, campus is definitely very comedian. Over there that you can see is a key kappas, which is a campus books bus system that is a Rockefeller Hall. Before classes starlight around ten o'clock a lot people walking. You enjoy Carmen Hall and found it as beautiful as I do.