Klarman Hall

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So today is a pretty cold, blustery day your Cornell, which is not out of the ordinary doll. Right now I'm walking to climb in hall for an individual comments in freshman writing seminar. Professor What you go hopefully pretty well about my essay, My ass. It is early, fine and a real like Golden Smith because it has killed a cafe called Temple of Zeus. Soups get usually before Friday's because on Fridays, large lectures and Golden Smith and I go to which are a lot of fun there. Let's have my lab section dispute this morning of my lecture portion is always a gold Smith. Well, there are about seventy percent lab sections of this computer. So that means that every single hotel school freshman gets to sit in on the business lecture, which is great. Since you're all transsexuals, they all come together as one for the lecture. So right here you can see Temple of Zeus, which is the cafe in Korman on my lecture halls down there as well. There's actually a lecture going on right now. As you can see this, lots of seeding lots, places to eat and relax. One of my things about Carmen is that there's lots of different al coves and tables you consider at I'm impressed. You're sitting at a table under an alcove is nice and private. Stop in my essays, my body of work in general, So it was really easy. We're watching you fill in the hat, Really climb in like the cafe. The We're calm climate outside of the summer months. Um, more hectic studies, faces and I love going for class even knows my favorite class in the week.