Cornell FAQs

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So now I'm going to do his answers of frequently asked questions about Cornell that you may or may not have, and I'm going to first start off questions. They're just, like, kind of quick facts about Cornell and things you may not know, you know? Um so how big is Cornell? Cornell is about fourteen thousand, fifteen thousand undergrads, I believe, um, but they're spread out among all the different schools before now. So every single school doesn't have a huge, overwhelming amount of people in it. Personally, the hotel school is under a thousand suns overall, so I really feels more like a high school and college. I really like that a smaller school within a larger entity. So the next question is, what is the student body like? Um I really like we're all student body. In general, I know I have friends and all the different schools. Accord now on, then I feel like when I'm walking around for now, I can always say hi to people, and I'm never just like alone walking with my earbuds. So the next question is, was the academic culture like I would say, the Cornell begin Ivy League is fairly competitive. I do get stressed out, especially for like tree limbs. Feelings are basically like large cumulus, cumulative Kansas tests that we have. I get stressed out for those, and people are competitive about them. Do you talk about grades but the same time? Feel like everyone is very driven. So everyone's going for those same goals, and therefore everyone is really working as hard as they possibly can, and they're not putting anyone else down in the process. So some popular major seven Cornell I know psychology is a really huge major. I would love to plug it right here because I really think it's a lot of fine goods combination of business and interacting on human human face every single day. I really enjoyed that so some defining features of the campus and the community. So my campuses really Well, there's obviously nature all around. There's lots of good hiking trails, thiss beautiful lakes in general, beautiful scenery and people with great. I believe if I remember correctly, about thirty percent of populations, part of Greek life. Mom and Dad, if you wanted to rush, you totally could. Um, if you don't want to rush, that's totally fine. There's also lots of people that are involved in different clubs that aren't rushing that are for exploring opportunities and still enjoy life a lot here right now. Of course there's hockey, which is probably the biggest sport. Otherwise, Law will don't follow the sports games very, very much on the people do enjoy watching sports. Even though I'm not huge of sports, I do enjoy watching them and sharing the teams on. Archipelago apps and those lots of dance troupes, you conjoined and those air really fun and interesting. I just went recently to this event called False Step, or there's a bunch of different dance shoes, performs My friends are in Belly Dancing, which is really, really entertaining and really fun to watch on. Yes, if you want to get involved in the arts here, what'll you? Definitely, definitely. Most notably, I'm part of the big Red ambassadors. Basically, what I do is part of the great Ambassadors is host prospective students overnight. Um, and I also assist with with Cornell Days, which is in Siri's except student events in the spring for students that are accepted. Um, and I also just work to better the campus in general, and I think it's really fun. Um, I'm also part of hotel as their Cornell, which is a student run event weekend in March where industry executives, the hospitality industry come to Cornell and stay at the hotel. Now, Delhi recommend that even if you're not hotel you, Anya..