CKB Hall Double

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We're gonna be doing a tour of her double in court court. It's actually three residential building shapes in an L and wait point where court is horizontal on DH. Kay would be here in an hour, would be here, and they're all connected. Okay, so right now we're in court and I'm going to check out her double. You can see there's a common room over there at the end of the hall. There's two doubles and one single per bathroom over there, and Vivian wants you to use inside. She still has, even though it's March, so you can see each dorm comes with one body length mirror. It comes with a closet for your person, a sort of table dressers, slash whatever. They've lofted it really high for storage, for storage underneath. These air actually fire hazard unless you get them fireproof. Only twenty dollars, only twenty dollars, and you can see there's a pretty beautiful view outside of it that over there is court hall. Uh, it's honestly pretty dark outside, so I can't really see anything, but you can decorate it as much as you like. It's honestly not too bad here, right? It's one of the newer dormitory Halt on North campus. You have air conditioning along with Muse, and it's generally pretty comfortable. How did you say the social life is here? Compared doll? And it's not as good, but it's still pretty good. It's not as good because we're forced to keep. We can't leave them propped open, but otherwise it's still pretty good. So general consensus is I mean, Corky Bauer is a pretty nice place to live. Vivian's double was all the way over there, and now we're going to make our way to the skybridge, which is unique to court a power. Okay, so now we're getting around to the sort of quarter section of the L shape of ck B. And where exactly is the skybridge down there all the way there. I think it's the standard for, um, all the dorms here, two doubles and a single for bathroom. The top half of the year skybridge is actually closed right now, but you can see is more of a balcony style. If we go downstairs we can get into the enclosed section that is not closed for the season. So this is the skybridge right? Talking to Well, I see you've got a pretty good view of the Newman Hall over there, pal. This's our Okay, So that was a general view of CK B. It's three relatively new dormitory halls, all in one building.