Advice to Incoming Freshmen

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So now some advice that I give incoming freshmen first and foremost, I would definitely say, Don't get caught up in the back. Do you think that everyone else has everything together? Because they do not. You're just they're probably all just as lost as you feel lost. They're all going to the same is that thing you're going through going through college for the first time. Honestly, child's feels super do branches because I know I felt really anxious, but my all my friends call me down and in the end I was doing just fine. You have one piece of advice to my high school self. I was really super duper, tightly wound in high school, and I still am kind of tightly wound. The most important thing is just trying to find ways yourself to relax. I know I always look take baths at night before I fell asleep. It turned me down for my day, and I always just felt very relaxed, very at peace with myself. Um, has Girl said meditation, which is really fun, and I often just like took a nap in that class. Just only find ways de stress and get less anxious because this is an anxious time. Of course, before attending Cornell, I really wish I knew, as I said before, that everyone else is going to the same exact thing that you're going through, and no one is more with it than you, even though they may seem like they're more with it. Most important thing is just to like, believe in yourself and believe in the process and believe they were accepted for a reason and that everything's gonna work out in the end, something that they did not tell me on the court tour of corn out that I wish I knew is that everyone could take classes and different schools of court. Now, regardless of your course school in the major that you're in, I feel like this is really great because you've been hopped from school is school with your classes. You don't have to feel like you're chained down in one particular school personally because I am freshmen in the hotel school I'm taking mostly Hotel four classes. I do have the option to take classes in other schools. Next Master, I'm taking a class about wines in the human ecology school, and, yeah, it's really great to yield to branch out wherever you can.