McGraw Tower

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What's up, guys? It's been weird way our ad to make Broad Tower slashed the clock tower at Cornell University. I'm not sure what it's trying to signify, that they're just playing a song. So there's a better view, Mom, it's on Central campus, says Intel. They do that at the top of every hour, and I think today it's one hundred seventy three feet tall. So if you have ever heard of one sixty one way in October on your Halloween beyond four o'clock pieces on the side of the clock tower. Later tackle Theo the Cornell Chinese Masters, have finally stopped playing at the clock tower. Um, as I was saying, You can see the clock faces on the side of the tower during Ah, October. They light up like jack o lanterns and also related to pumpkins. Twenty years ago, someone snuck up to the top of the tower on, praised the pumpkin, right at the tip on. Nobody did anything about it because they thought it would decompose, and it actually stay there until spring. There is a personalized flavour named after the pumpkin that was on top of the clock. This is the clock tower, right? Cornell, one hundred sixty one steps one hundred seventy three feet high as weird history of pumpkins. They ring at the top of every hour, and it's like pretty much.