Baker Laboratory + CHEM 2080 Class
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What are my compass? Your class is way are right now is big for laboratory. This's where the chemistry classes are at this's a lounge people work, So I usually come here for my general chemistry class. It is the big lecture hall that I come to you for class, So I am in biochemistry major. So last semester as a first semester freshman and general chemistry one this semester's suggest investor freshen. I'm taking general chemistry, too, and I have a lot of the week That's three hours long in the basement. I will try to show you guys my class later, if possible, and to the right. Where has really good study spaces? Let me see it Class going on. There's no class going on right now, so that's a really big lecture hall. So are often hundreds friend up the stairs and said the second floor in the professor's appear So in a big lecture halls. Definitely, um, different from high school and that there are so many kids. For Cam and bio majors, because premed is a very popular optional. Cornell there many support services and free up a cost computers that give you help. I'm actually involved in ten eighty, which is a supplementary workshop for chemistry. The professor, Professor Stephane Lee is really great, and he really helps to reinforce concepts. I go there once or twice a week during the evening, if I can. We're spent a lot of time, Matt, and let me see. Oh, and we're actually Baker Laboratories actually connected to the physical sciences building. I will try to show you guys that used entering Cornell. As a government major, Is this like a famous founders? So ending Cornell, I was actually a government major so suddenly swish into like that Major was definitely challenging for me, but because they're somebody support services.