Klarman Hall

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Clothe the College of Art and Science, Grand Floor Admissions Office Cafe twenty and Infinite Rooms on the first floor isn't department overnight studies Department of comparative literature on the floor friend. Right now I am entering Climate hall, Uh, which is the home of the humanities and Sciences. So if we come inside here is also home to the Department of Romance studies. Everything that is in Klarman starts with a k O. There's also the classics department in here is well and if we go in a little more, we can see the things the classic temple of views. Climate Hall is also home to the College of Art and Science Office. Shall we go in? I've never been through this entrance before. So now I am exiting Kleiman Hall and going up some stairs. A regiment of hearing what? The buildings are connected like this. So what you see here is the entrance of Goldwin Smith. This is where I take modern philosophy with Dr Parra Boone. I am in front ofthe the office of the Dean.