Final Advice

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Any final piece of advice that I give to our respective students is it's never too late. I crammed in all nearly ole my extracurricular activities in my final year of high school. Andi, I took on as many leadership positions I've met. I could and I'm made of a Well, I hope that you look at my videos and seeing how wonderful for Nellie and I heard that you to know the best your high school. Show off what an amazing student you are. If you don't get into for now, really worried, come take transfers at a lot of my friends. Come during the spring semester rather than the balls, mister. Then there's also graduate school here so you could never miss out on anything. Um, other fetuses with vice I would study the Essen team using the books that they give out like books. Look yourself inside college or from nine a. M. To one A m. Like I did. Not very polite, but yet just study, even the books.