Commuting to Class ft. Irena

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Irene, what class you have next Have our introductory macro economics. I feel like I'm going to be talking about Oh, yeah. What is your favorite and least favorite part of Cornell of my favorite, I guess, is that there's a lot to do people to meet. Yeah, I like it so much explorers on, but I guess my least favorite stress. What's your major's? I'm buying the statistics. Can you describe your academic alive? I feel like my act on the time is pretty thin. Really? All you've got to think about stuff like this my time. Yeah, at the same time, it can be very funny as well. Have any advice for prospective students? Like I would advise before coming here over the summer? Really? Trying to look over your coarse material like first semester? Because there's also adjustment going on That could be hard to get good grades of adjustment. If you want more of Irene, No. Yeah..