Behind the Scene of St Matthew Passions

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So right now I am in front of Baby Hall and I am going to go in for the St Matthew passion for rehearsal because, like all of us all are. So this building, Mrs what? Um the building looks like on it quick. My husband here's pilot pilot, like, very old, and I was alive. Pilar is apparently, I I don't I never heard about this house. What is your thought on St Matthew Passion one of my sons. It's a lot of time, and a lot of effort goes into it, but easily one of the best pieces that's ever been no. As you can see, Bailey Hall is was packed here's, you know, my friend on, we're heading right now to reception. It's basically meeting up with soloists and like patrons. The reason why we're going in because we're stopping. Then we're going to Simon's place afterwards, going there to chew a zone after party, and then we're going to go home, probably drunk Good night.