Housing Options at CSP - Check out Holst Hall with Monnie

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It's mony here and I'll be showing you my favorite thing on campus. Mm I'll be showing you host hall which is an upperclassman dormitory meaning so far more than above. I am in hostal right now and this is the reception area. There's always someone at the desk to help you with any questions. So if you're doing your homework in the middle of the night and you just have to print your stuff you don't have to go all the way to the library. Mm. Yeah a small team here which is mainly cardio. So if you feel like working out just hoping there if you only need your I. D. Card. Further access this building you need an I. D. Card which is a pro for safety features. You can either live in a single room, two bedroom or four bedroom choice. Keep in mind the less people to deal with, the more money you pay. This is the four bedroom two bathroom choice I'll be showing you around. No. Yeah this building is co ed by the rooms Arjuna specific so you might have a room full of girls and next door it's boys. The place comes fully furnished so you'll get your own bed, frame, your own mattress and you have the freedom to rearrange and re decorate as much as you want. There's a huge bathroom as you can see there on each side and there's also a spacious closets. I am in a four bedroom choice right now and this is how it looks like it is so huge. It is an apartment style dormitory, the only one in Saint pol Oh my God I enjoy living in a household because of how she carries it felt like I felt like I'm living in an apartment rather than a dormitory and I have my own privacy and choose their own roommates. If you're a morning person, my chop with a morning person, they also allow you to change roommates, so if you don't like your roommates it's fine. Also also has spaces for you to real, if you like grilling, just chilling, we have a couple of trees. If you love hammock in, it's just fun to live here.