A look inside Luther Hall, CSP's Freshman Women's residence hall
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My name is analysts and I'm in the Luther hall here at Concordia ST paul, which is the freshman women's dorm. You would get a desk, desk chairs, some shelving units Along with your bed and dresser, two people to a room. Uh if you drink coffee, mini fridge we have outlets that you can put stuff there. Other than that maybe a fan and some outlet extenders, um extension cords, that type of stuff as far as the bathroom goes, you do have communal showers. Then on this side you have laundry which is not quarter operated, it is included in your room and board, which is nice. Then you have your stalls as far as roommates go. I think at Concordia you're really accommodated here. You can fill out a survey tells you all of these different questions. Like are you mourning? Are you a night person? So you're going to get matched up with somebody who is pretty similar to you as far as habits go? And then you can room with a friend if you have a friend, if you know somebody.