John Jay Residence Hall Tour!

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Hm. So I live in Doctor, which is an all first year residents hall here on Columbia's campus. I have a single, this doremus, mostly singles, and someone doubles. There's a lounge on every floor with my green in it, and I live on the fifth floor. So it's a short elevator right up or a short walk up the stairs. So this is really going to show you around and show you some, like dorm essentials. First, this is what you see right when you come into the door, it's a clothing rack. Essentially, could just put your shoes on there, my shower shoes as of my winter coats. So walking this way, I have this little plaque on my wall to have some lgbtq plus representation, and now I have my bed. So I lifted up my mattress up a few, not just so that I could fit the doors, a mini fridge and more candles under here. So you think of this mini fridge and go up sail for like ten fifteen dollars, sometimes free So I wait a few weeks and see if there's going sale and then thes doors come with the storm itself. So they're currently kind of empty because I'm moving out. If it'll lot of clothes in there and then just first of extra space, I got these Kia drawers that right under my bed so I can just fit my hygiene products of food. So extra clothes in there and that over here is my death. I have something on there because I'm really hungry, and I was just a nameless me out, but I have some more essentials here. I have all my beauty stuff here, some lotion on my water bottle, a lot of books that we have to read for school. Um, and it has more storage space for all your books and pens and pencils and notebooks on and on. Yeah, and so, like, I just have some my care, Miss Harris and Polaroids up my friends from home. And then if you move over to this corner here, I just have some more many drawers from Kia really cheap checking my Kia for dorm stuff because it's a really expensive And so I just came a much bipolar right right here, like a little foot book for people to see when they come in. It doesn't really do much, but it's cute on. Then hear this wall of my whole theme, this flower's succulents stuff. So I have brought these like postcards and put them on my wall to deal with this, like Little Corner here. I bought this from Bed Bath and Beyond, and it was originally made to store fruit and food in the kitchen. I made it like a little mini storage space for myself and clothes and extra things that I wanted to keep here. So I just put some very late around it to make it really cute and then moving back. Here I have my closet so some dorms have actual wardrobes that air, not like they don't have a door. So John Jay has these with doors, and so I just keep of my towels here and my backpack, and that if you open it, there's a your fancy yourself in here. There's a full Mary here full body length mirror on DH. Then you have some large faces to put on clothes and someone shower Caddy of there. It was all my bathroom essentials, and it's a little backed up because I'm moving out soon, but I keep everything in here, has a lot of space. My room is one hundred eighteen square feet and some of the singles here goto one sixty square feet so you can have a pretty large single if you get lucky. There are other dorm rooms with their sweets, doubles and special interest housing.