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Okay, So this is the video for the frequently asked questions. If I can't give myself wise to my high school self, what would it be? Well, out. Say, actually, I was in my high school five years ago. Remember, I was pretty depressed, depressed at that time because I felt I was such a year and I wanted to do student. Because I have, if, you know, sixteen personalities may be, you will know i n f J is the re ist personality in this world. So I really had a that time I had a really hard time to get involved you more to to feeding the groups were the environment surrounding me. I would like just to tell myself, Don't worry, things will work out. You have to have faith in yourself, your potential and you're actually blood because because actually I didn't expect that I could have the chance to study at Columbia. Uh, when I was in my high school, I I really worried a lot about my future, my career with things like that. Eventually, I just realized, Well, you know, we shouldn't worry too much about things that will happen in the future because you just you just don't know. So there's There's no like meaning to worry about things because even though you worry about them, things will happen. If it won't happen, we were just don't happen. So don't worry things too much, you know, just work out and please cherish your precious time. I really want to emphasise that because you really need to use your time to think clearly about your goals about your future. I remember when I was in my college, most off my classmates. They just they had fun and they didn't listen to teacher. I was usually the only person who sits on the first row who actually listen to the teacher who actually ask questions to the teachers a lot. So because I knew I want to come to a good university to study and and knew. Do something for instead of just sitting there worrying about things you need to do something, take actions and and don't worry about things because sometimes, you know, you think you're going that direction. Actually, you're going this way eventually gets a destination. Actually, that's life, and there's no better options for it. Um, another question is, what do you wish you knew before attending your college? Well, well, before I came to Columbia, I did feel uncomfortable and unconfident because I knew people here. Um, so at the beginning, I really I had some a really hard time here because I just feel like my classmates, My, my friends, many of them. They have already bean you states for quite a long time, or they there's some of them. So so at the beginning, also afraid to to to, you know, your connections with people because I was a little bit scared when they know about my background. Maybe they would think, Wow, that's Justus such a that That's just such a mediocre person. Things could be hard at the beginning. If you really push yourself out of your comfort zone, you will solve those problems. Because at Columbia University you will find there's so many student groups, so many student organizations you can play voluble. If you wantto join those student group, you can really make a lot of friends and your connections with people. What you have to do is you're gonna push yourself and and go out to meet people who talk these people. Our key off happen is a really, really, really So just don't worry. Put push yourself and encourage yourself phone, meet people, boot connections and find your potential and do your best. Go. I hope you can come to Columbia to study you. Phew! Phew! I could help you somehow so you can feel free to contact me.