Finals Week 2018 Vlog | Bryonna Elliott
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Would you like a finals week log? Just like everyone should know. What find this week is like before you get to college and it's just show you like a really realistic version of that. Plus, I'm really, like, starting my friend as we could today, so Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna be doing. I'm probably going to a little cleaning because I just studying a clean place, and then I guess I'm gonna study. I'll come back when I'm doing something fun. I just can't study and stuff unless I'm like a clean space. No. And I still haven't ended my thanksgiving, so I really don't know when that's coming up. It's really a lot of footage, but yeah, I think I might watch my cheerleader. Then I probably do a face mask, too, because my skin Yeah, I'm gonna do a face mask. It's currently 701 I'm here with some coffee, of course, but I personally like coffee flavored coffee, you know? Anyways, I still haven't studied from my final tomorrow, so Yeah, I am. They canceled the first final block, which it doesn't affect me at all, because my exams are into the second and third friend of bucks. That's a waiting for the whole campus, So Yeah. Okay, so Hey, guys, it's currently 10 20 points. I had a study room booked for 10 but campus opens late today, so that kind of week gonna slow down a little bit. So even though I'm in my home because I have to be quiet like I just don't have yes, I'm going to get my study on my government today. So I'm still in this exam in the study room, Mike. See, after canceled today, which most people are happy about. Yeah, I guess when the great started out more time to study. I was Really? Yeah, I just like I just had to be on campus. I can't talk too loud, but I I'm taking makes him early because I have travel plans, um, like before, but they rescheduled the exam score. So example like an hour which is like this around the same time is gonna be. Anyways, I'm not depressed, but so I gotta get to study. Was popping Alex the oily? We're just getting more that I'm trying to talk louder because I see it. But yeah, basically another exam. Then I went to pick up something from my friend's door. You back here? So, hey, uh, it's to st after that arrest, but yes, it's like 9 35 Chilling my throat sounds crazy, but yeah, probably gonna leave soon and study. Uh, yeah, remember how like I was So Steve today I think the last clip is from, like, this morning before even here on the shower before even see anyone. So I just decided to procrastinate, study and watch my head about to go wash my hair, and then I'm gonna, like, breed it. Somebody go and then I'm gonna breathe it, and then I'll study. Yeah, sure to dream about what time? Okay yeah, it's kind of like slows 30 something. I am walking to the dining hall, as you could see from my here. Yeah, I'm just walking So dining on my mom's they should eat some things. Hey, it's currently already 14 and it's about and you can see I'm done with exams. That's just because it's been super stressful. What kind of stuff? But I'm currently packing my textbook one suitcase. I have so much to bad guys and my dad's gonna be 30 minutes. Yeah, I'm gonna make this the end of the video. I guess what I did More justcause picking up the camera, and it's just really weird. May she, like comment, subscribe and share this video with friends you think would enjoy it? I love you.