Cook With Me: Pizza Bagels 🍕🤪 | Bryonna Elliott
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You got me feeling So how come in the sky? I'm saying in Nyberg, I just Why's that blanket? Oh, okay, dude, if fortunate people and spices. Everyone, welcome back to my channel or well, if you knew, I don't know what your life was like. Basically, I should be told by the title of video we are making food. Have you ever been in college? And just, like, really realized that you missed the good old days like elementary school When you really like, you see pizza bagels. Then you realize that you're not like elementary school anymore. We're making pizza bagels before we get into the video as a couple. Well, but like this video, if you like my new interim out kind of hard on them and also get its video huge sums up if you like the music in my ultra The intro is by lobster. Yeah, So this lobby and the ah chose by my God, I have their sound Lincoln description. You want to check? That didn't hold up to me if you did into them as well. What the Who? No. You make burgers either. It was a couple who makes pizza bagels the mean one. Rachel Ray would be proud to have her cookbook really a lot sublimation. What is this in 63 on video may be walking, you know, just not go. Maybe just like the birth we'll see with this is to for pasta e Emily. So you have to put, like, three tables, three tables, wounds sauce, four from liver because she wanted to watch you cooking. How do you think you will learn to cook? Watching you by watching other buff? That's good. Let's be with E. I put it all over burnt cheese from right down in the back. What about getting further down? It might get a little bit crumbly. I'm gonna be Chandler Chandler because I saw you dressed like you trying to dress like a man from the nineties. Are you saying I dress like a feminine man from the 19? My dress. I ever masculine man, from the night I just like a man. A listing of the pizza bagels? No, but you know what you should do. You're wasting freaking cheese is a better would eat it. Yeah, Mariah is dropping it into her mouth like heathens. Let's stick these bad boys and having 3 50 Because that's what my mom always told me. I watched the video and someone's got, but they were like in there. I heard a lot of sounds out in the hallway like people in heels. What's so funny? Handsome Like walking to the window? No, that's so weird. You see, the pepperoni is like sinking down into the whole years. Yeah, well, I'm gonna start it because that's what it was. Whenever I take your talent that always take three. Double out everything you do a video on the improvement of bagels. First together, videos like try give a convincing down like five minutes puts in fast forward. Family would come back, but I don't know where they're coming back and I'll get back to get my big. Esther, you were cooking with looking with something you don't know about hosted, but yeah. Thanks for washing A. Make sure you follow my social.