Chat & Chew: Life Update and My New Major | Bryonna Elliott
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So how come in the sky I'm saying in Neighbor? Hey, guys, Welcome. As you could tell what it said in the video, I don't know. You probably know more than me at this point about what this video is about. I don't even really need to keep saying that I have a spread in my bullet journal of, like, video ideas to do so. We're just gonna see if any of those look appealing to me. Okay, These all take more planning than I feel like doing good video, so I don't know. I was gonna tell you things that I want Jack now, Okay, First things first go like my one of my more recent pictures on instagram post video. I love subscription service is my big county doesn't but I love them. So the 1st 1 and now my religion I don't know if this is gonna focus, but it's this one's off spoiler. Then last but not least, I have one on my laptop just right here. Tuesday, I got email like, I don't know if you know the way that, like college mailing system works. Now and yeah, So I can email saying that they are the package. I didn't have any subscription things coming in. I was like, Who would send something now? So I give them a little package or whatever, and they come out with this be box. Anything recorded from out away from the post office. I really, really appreciate you see, what else? Someone talked. I wanted to like an advice tag type video, but I don't have that many subscribers. So I don't know where I should give these advice questions. So she have advice? I mean, if you have a situation that she wanted a price on, it could be about anything. Um, family can be leave the comment down below or on any of my instagram posts. Homework, so Oh you know, I make websites, So if you'll allow me Come here, girl. When I think I love my government pressures so much. Basically, I got Professor just going on a week next semester, but I really, really want, like, I'm really enjoying this class. So I want to meet with them like I asked to be with him about like, since he's not gonna be here. Like what teachers he thinks is good for me to take in class is not that kind of stuff. So and so we're gonna be meeting a coffee shop tomorrow. You can talk about that also, if you didn't know, I'm on a hip hop dance team. Oh, I like this O m g. I'm on a hip hop dancing here on Campins. Um and then also, if you want to see a video with some of my cindy family, let me know in the comments below, which I probably aren't because no one ever coming, but it's fine. Are you having? I mean, like, Okay, so I'm awesome in the process of making mine barks, right? I mean, not lips. They make my schedule for next master Administration is tomorrow. Yeah, I'm just, like, trying to decide what classes to take. That's not sure which isn't good for medical applications because, you know, But there's a class I could take in the fall. Um and then I have to go ahead and start taking John Cam John camp on the sociology class. One of the things that I don't like about going to a liberal arts school is that I'm major and you look so restricted. If you want to do the criminal justice, Major, give me a sociology major like, if you want to do in astronomy, Major, get a physics major. I don't have anything more interesting to talk about, so I guess I'll just close it out here. Make sure you have a huge sums up comment down below. All the many things I told you to comment without the video Double O sis Cartoon Channel. If you did Internet or any of my videos or if you just look up cute or like you think I'm smart or I talk nice or some like that, make sure you shares video with a friend.