Ben shows you around his Double Dorm Room

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We haven't eighteen by thirteen foot, square foot living space to live in and share with two people. That is exactly it's finds it sounds Stop tour. Next, you've got the TV with the PlayStation attached. Very nice social setting, you know, get the people in here. Then you got my half the closet by clean supplies and all that. Then you've got my roommates part the claws with his cleaning supplies and all that very, very cool. Fact that we have our very own sink in the hall in the room, which is really nice to put them again. The bathroom is down the hall, so we shared it with everybody else. I got my roommate's bed and Oh, hello, my room, mate. My favorite part of the school would definitely be the history on campus. My least favorite would probably be the bathrooms in the dorms or just storm conditions in general. It so I got a little side table right here with all my meds.