Campion House
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I couldn't really get in the angle because I'm literally filming on a nail nailed into a tree right now. So you'll see as I pop, showing up right over there. Campaign house is the office of class Chaplin's way. Chaplin's both Catholic and Protestant chaplains is so chaplains are basically here, Tio I have. Basically, you come to them for anything, whether it be social needs, spiritually needs. If you just wanted to talk to them, that's fine. You don't have to be religious to talk to them on schedule in point with them. They're literally just another form of a guidance counselor, basically, except they have a little more experience with a spiritually problems. I meet with him every two weeks to just talk about my life and stuff. Basically, can't being offers free cookies every day on the first Wednesday of every month. They have a bagel day sale for bagels as well I could. You could see here it's a little house through the living room. It's literally house Angela comforting to sit down, study. I just kind of hang out with friends and grab a cookie. There's never been someone who is not welcome here. Like I said, whether you're religious or not, if you come from different faith, don't have faith at all. It's not even Yes, there's religious imagery, and they're like, say, there's like some like crow shades of crosses or something, but not like it's really no one's pressuring you to follow anything that I can try to preach to you while you're here to literally grab a cookie and start a conversation with someone, whether it be a chaplain administrator in the Campion or a fellow student theirs trying to study or have a cookie, it's literally a place to hang out, feel welcome and have a homey environment. It's especially if you're first you're soon and use to study at home. This is a great place to study because it literally is just a house s o. I Definitely I think it's one of the hidden gems here on campus. I love coming here and talking people here, and it's very war environment. I recommend that you come to Holy Cross, definitely check it out.