Tour of Academic Buildings on Campus
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This is where all ground communications majors have their main classes. This's the atrium where students like to hang out between classes or, you know, just chill. There's this nice area for students to come study or work on assignments or projects. That's right over here, next to the press room. What you're about to get check out right now on the way to the press room. You have this little shell fear that displaced it for packages that soon created. I have to be a little quiet because classes are in session right now. So this is the advanced lab were upper level graphic communications, press run, steak place. In short, First lexa graphic printing and we've got some labels on. So we're in here checking out the press room right now. I'm gonna try to track him down there right now. If I get him to speak about the press is a little bit here. So what are we looking at right here for the press? Because this is how a lot of stuff commercial, It's a lot. Oh, studio and I am about to do a little product photography, videography or commercial. I made for one of my friends for his new show company. Uh, as I was telling you earlier, it was a graphic communications major. Have the opportunity to pay thirty five forty bucks, have access this gear rental program, and I can run out nice cameras. This is the atrium where students like to hang out between classes or, you know, just chill. So we just came up the stairs from the atrium, and now we're going upstairs where all of the lecture halls are where I have all my lectures. There's just so we have some pretty nice classroom space is in the hall. Flat screen TVs, really nice projector, another and these nice tables that you come right home across from that lecture hall. There was another lecture hall over here, but they have actually worn out the walls in this area, and they're turning it into something totally different. There's another lecture hall over here where I've had a lot of my way for someone to cut away to a shot that I got the other day of class in session in this life, you probably next month, is all tied up in that scene. That was God for help that we're walking over here. We're gonna walk right by Bowman Field, where lots of students come and hang out with Frisbee football. You name it and we're going over here to Bracket Hall. We've got students studying and working on projects that they're a couple big lecture halls in this building. So that's the big lecture hall and bracket home. There's actually class going on in there right now. Here's the ring where I had my first sociology class up the stairs at the back of the building. Find an exit and another entrance to that giant lecture hall. We're coming up on the physics building here. So here is the kind of laboratory lots of experiments going on in this place that looks like a period of table that had one physics class in here, and I actually like math. For somebody who doesn't like math, I understood everything quite well. So let's try to take a peek in this lecture hall right here. No. So that's actually elect your home where I had my first physics lecture. Like I said, I only had one physical last year, but the guy who taught it was absolutely great.