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I want to show you guys all of my outfits from Rush this week. I am wishing and basically just like sorority recruitment. So I'm gonna go through the whole process, and I have a bunch of office that have picked out excited to show you guys them. So keep working if you want to see all the outfits And in the days that I wore them on Okay, guys, it is day Thio actually, like really Day one. So Day one of recruitment yesterday was calling the intro thing. Today we have our pian insurance, which are potential new member shirts. I wash mine the other day and then it just says recruitment 2018 on it. It's pretty much what I do when I'm, like, going out or anything like that. It's not too dark or anything, and then I have a hoops on. Out of what? I paired this one because we have the freedom to choose whatever you wanted to wear with T shirts. My friend Marissa and day one over crewmen, all from the same teachers. Pretty basic, But we're having some black jeans. You go with my gold bracelet and, like, gold necklace scene. So we learned all about their philanthropy is like, what? Charities and stuff they work with. So we're gonna be learning without today and we're gonna see which ones to get called back to pretty soon, but yeah. Today, the dress code basically was like dressed like you're like, Like how you address your crushes in your class. Like, a little bit nicer than like what you wear to class. So people are probably going to say my outfits, like a little bit like, Much like a little bit like on the I don't know, side. All my friends, a ring like stuff like this too. So you might not want to wear this your recruitment, but I don't know. Today I'm wearing this top is Urban Outfitters on a belt from here. It's from lf I know some guys, in short, my friends with that to our recruitment is different here. I know that I have a less on from target and my shoes. I literally nobody with a problem, but yeah, that's the thing, is what I'm wearing today. Okay, what we got going on? Tell us where things from. This actually, Megan one buzz from lf, okay, these are some ankle boots. From where this is from brandy Q. And the glasses and the belt story from soothe You talk. Day three of Recruitment today is value today, so we go and learn about all like the values of the different sororities and stuff. The dress code for today was like tea time runs with your friends, type of deal language drastic off from planet blue and sauce. It's not too tight, and and then I have on shoes without proper 21 like really recently, like literally a few days ago. And then I have a one minute everyone hearing my mom got me on a kettle. Carly Robert Q. And some Calvin Klein place of shoes class. We're going now to find out like our final top to whatever. Hey, guys, Super Wendy wets last day dress from Stevie Sister Just Flora Lee the dress code for today was kind of like a summer wedding. 21 super cute dresses from L. A. Yeah, my shoes were from a little boutique that I got connected. So those are all of my rush office? I hope you like seeing them. Just seeing what I wore, I ended up rushing for the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta, also known as data. We got some meetings and stuff, but there's a lot more stuff to come. So you guys on that later, you leave some video press down below. Everything's in the description and I love you guys so much.