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Today I'm here with the brand new video, and today I am joined with my roommate Daisy on today we're doing a roommate Q and A for you guys. Tana, be lies have been requesting to meet my roommate, and I've waited all year long to let you guys meet her. Today she finally agreed to be okay with me and answer some questions. So we're gonna head over to my instagram, the EMS, and we're gonna read through some of the questions you guys set to me if you do not follow me on Instagram. You guys showed my user name is at Meghan Understory Gransky. Maybe you'll get to be the next Q and A. Okay, so first off, Michelle and easy interviews yourself, tell you guys where she's from, what her major is and why he chose to come to Chapman the same school I met. Then we're gonna hop right into the questions. Okay, first question is what were your first impressions of each other? Okay, is also all star. Okay, so I remember really Well, it was either August or July. We're like her talking on the phone with me, you know, I don't know. Like, I don't know how this girl and I will get a lot like I didn't know if we were, like, civil are different. I felt we had a lot of different interests, but look, it could be cool to have wings that made us different because we could get along like, teach each other different stuff. No, I thought you were really nice to It's just like, yeah, we're pretty different, But we're any different. This person says I'm gonna be a freshman in college next year. So when choosing a roommate is a better choose someone that's different, like a different than you or similar. You know, I don't like Tuesdays or anything, but after 11th easy for a year, I would say choose someone different than you because I think it gets you like, um, like, acquaint you with different stuff. You have different opinions on things, and you're not the complete same. So I think it's cool, like I'm gonna be different. It's okay if you're like, paired up with someone you're completely like polar opposites with How do you tie Manage, taking shower? How offering in the door with together? Never. We just take showers at different times and like, Yeah, I feel like we've never had to take a shot at the same time. If we do like we're like okay, to wait 10 minutes like it's not a big deal. Yeah, it's not really because that is because we share, like just us in the bathroom. How often are actually in the dorm room together? Sometimes we're in. Ends like most of the time that we're in the same dorm room together. All of a sudden, shared a room with me, Try to hang out, but because we have such different personalities would be hard for us to agree on anything like I want to play pool or she would wanna go partying. I don't think we are not much because we're not really together that much. Like we're just bringing up like, Hey, can you do this? And you does it? No other cars will be like Okay, whatever. We never argue about it because there's, like, really nothing stupid Argue it says, Where is your roommate from? Is there anything in a noisy about the other from California? Huntington Beach? I'm a local, not alone. You gonna be every scared something of what it is for you. You probably have a lot of things for me, I think for you Well, like my sides. So I can't really complain about her side being messy. Snacks like cereal in the door, I fruit in the door, I, Amy's vegan burritos and the door was the messy A roommate. Like, pretty close, like, look at my side or not like, if you just look at the sides like both of our sides have their own messes in different ways. It's really interesting that, you know, you always have a bunch of, like, really good friends coming over. It's gonna be sad, I think I said I hope you enjoyed our video bias. All the questions we're gonna be answering for today. If you want to check out days YouTube channel, I'm gonna link it down below. She does gaming stuff, right? Gaming video, gaming videos, like, wouldn't get named one of your favorite videos. So if you want to see Daisy's cup head, Siri's and all her gaming videos, we linked down below. Go like some of her videos and I will see you guys next time.