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I'm not sure I'm gonna be home for the whole summer. Probably going back here, But I don't have, like, an internship or job or anything here. I'm going to My friend's was boring and going with Anya, my roommate, obviously. Yeah, it's probably gonna be my last soul cycle class for a minute because I don't have soul cycle where from? Yeah, I'm just really excited to finally be over. I've still been going to soulcycle Law and trying to be a healthy little queen and eat good and just yet get ready for that summer body and all that stuff. Then stuff that's not packed hasn't been checked off. You like makeup and stuff, but yeah, I have to pack all this stuff. Then I'm bringing this duffel bag on the plane and then I'm also bringing a backpack, which is over here, so I'm bringing a lot of different bags, but I think it's going to be enough stuff. I moved in here in August, and it's so we're that I'm not gonna be here this summer. I'm gonna be living here in the fall a swell of this room so much. That's just cause I started doing wallpaper in here and I'm, like, proud of myself. If I want to do the full thing, I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it or not yeah, I like it. I want to show you guys the progress because I might end up doing my entire walls in here. I'm gonna close my computer, go to bed at my Final 8 a.m. tomorrow. I only know she's outside, so I'm gonna go eat himself thingy. So I'm gonna go try to find another book just like one for the summer that can flip through and read by the pool goes on an everything by laying out by the pool later made it. It's such a happy place for because I used to go here all the time is again with my mom and you like ladders pick out books. I'm not a huge reader, but I'm excited to go in here. I don't know a lot of people like this book, but I wasn't, like, obsessed with me like I'm not gonna buy. Then I didn't even really read this one, but yeah, I wanted to come here and look for your books. Like trying to make me believe that their life and like, I don't know, I just felt so like they're kind of convinced me to believe something that's not gonna work or I don't know. Here's our little pool and then we have a little stop in middle. So our final the teacher like you can literally do whatever you want as long as it has something to do with, like this class, like it could literally be anything we wanted. Some K like silicon are gonna grow any performer to like 10 of his friends, like they were doing all capella. I'm gonna just like going in, and I think we're gonna watch a movie or something. I'm probably gonna get coffee before that because I like, need coffee right now. So this morning we're gonna go check out of a makeup, hopefully have Jeffery Starr, because I've been wanting to look through all that stuff for a minute now, so I hope that they have it in here, but yeah, I've been wondering also if, like, a week now and on, you tried to get me to go, like, a week ago. So I'm definitely gonna get that on you is coming with me. It's supposed to be like the bomb, so we're gonna see about that. Trader Joe's gonna get this rap spicy lentil Ralph. All right? Want to Trader Joe's? I got some mushrooms. You got some green goddess dressing, so I made a salad. There's also sweet potatoes in here and some vegan chicken. There's like cops blocking it off, so it's like safe and stuff. So it's a two time a year thing and we're going tonight. These last few weeks, I've been helping her, and I am going to get my toes done today because they're disgusting. So I'm obviously I'm going to be there and stuff. This summer I'm gonna be home a little bit. Alexa, your class on You loved it last night in my room here. So going to bed now Finally in my flight tomorrow and yeah, it was a good little day. These air kind like may carry on type items right here in my office tomorrow.