FRESHMAN DORM ROOM TOUR | Chapman University
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Have my desk over here, and then I have my big dresser thing over here, which I'm gonna show you guys first. So at the very top, I have this really big storage men and I just threw my swimsuits up there along with some other stuff that I'm not wearing right now. I like jeans, pants, short skirts like that Don't have any hanging space for the dead. Part of command took up here just in case. I just have wrong end where the socks and then here have pajamas and the very bottom. When I have my workout clothes and on the back of my cabinet, I have a little Vian poster. It's really cute, has flowers that will bloom one day, and then I have my goal and I play for my apology. I have my learned that someone gave me for graduation present, and I have my little chap inside but also gave me for graduation present and then in the center, on my dust, I have a bunch of stuff. Over here, I have some, like beauty products that looked pretty at my milk make up stuff I have. I ask you, I really like it so far, and I have my little many perfumes and my moisturizer on the very bottom of these little shelves. Please on the back part of my little shelving thing, I tell these little lights out from Target. They have little cactuses on, and they're pretty cute in the back. Up here, I have a little organized from the container store, having folder in there, have some makeup pallets, Q tips, cotton balls, a stapler, some pens, pencils and that's just extra staples back there and over here haven't make it rushes from Sigma and their little container. It's perfect that I have my little lamp organizer things from Target, and it's cool because it has the heartbreak in charge of and apart. We could like plugging stuff like out what? And then I have a bunch of my beauty products in here from Dr Amamiya Caudalie. I have my love talk up here and a bunch of chords like Chargers and Stop that connects to the printer. End of the year really already came with a chair and a desk. Like I said, there's just a bunch of cords down there because I have to connect told my little trying things. Over here to the right under the desk, I have this little silverware in everything that has three doors on the top. I have all my makeup up here, and it's just easy to grab right there. My friend, it's a hairdryer down here have some, like tide detergent pods, along with the like clips for bags and my hair curling iron thing lotion and rushing to do stuff like that just sits in the very bottom for, but we're all the rights of the desk. Have some war room where I keep my makeup mirror from Target, have a little fan, so what I'm sitting and I'm not like sweating because it's actually really hot in my room, and it just kind of moves around like has really nice air. Then I have this little from Anthropologie and excess Scorpio on it. I throw my hearing's in there at night or a necklace or something and then a little over here. I have my little banana neon signing off from Urban Outfitters, and this is actually my dorm hall. I'm really excited for it, and I hope to hold the rest to my wall. So it's not really filled up, but hopefully it will be soon. So here is my bed, which is my favorite room It's like, really comfortable. It's really soft covers my life Dubay thing and the bed sheets from Target of the Jersey She gets the bigger ones ever throw like it Also river. At the end of my bed and then a pair of a bunch of pillows, a front to gray ones are from Bloomingdale's And in this one I brought from home my sequels right here. I have four of them and this one over here, the top left when I tell my robes in the back. So just grab take a shower, then this bottom drawer right here is kind of us. Even for the paper blanket makeup bag, some extra like little baggies. Like some chargers and stuff in here, over here and this one, I keep all my shoes. I got it off Amazon, and it just is a little grey furry rug, But it's kind of getting some old my floor so that over here in my bed, I have a much my person bags outside my back for more days, extra persons down here. I have a few bags over here, and then I have my big fan from Target, and it's been pretty awesome because this room is seriously so. So I just have my yoga mat over here, a little computer bag and my laundry, and you do my laundry, as you can tell, but that soon. Okay, so then in the corner, over here, by me, remains that we have are like friends of my gran. Fraser here, my freezer and my friend, My freezer has my burritos at it. Okay, I'm not gonna take my time to show you the bathroom like this is basically what We have a shower over here having a little Urban Outfitters thing attached. My toothbrush is plugged in over there, and I have this little thing to the left.