Foley Stage
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Guys, I just got on my last class for the week and it was fully. Foley is basically creating sounds on a soundstage. So everything you hear in a movie isn't necessarily recorded like there on set. Ah, lot of it is done in post post production, and it's created in the fully stage and I didn't get the best video, But here it is. So this is where our stage looks like, and I'll show you some pictures as well, because video was rough. It's my third time having Mary Cheney if you go to Chapman and you're in film school or if you could like, I don't know, somehow sneak your way in. If you're not film Major, take a class with Cheney. He's so Joe like he brings pizza the class all the time. Yeah, this is one of the different classes you can have in one of the different classrooms. Is it really a classroom? It's just a stage, but is used for class instruction. Yeah, it's one of the places you can learn fun stuff and fun fact. It sounds like armor, You know, like a knight in our knight in shining armor, all much as like moving. So if it's you know, there's like a night that's riding on a horse and you gotta create a sound for his clothes moving. My keys are probably the best example because they have a bunch of things on them.