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To be turn out on you is getting your hair done today at a new salon. So we're really excited to see how it turns out This'll Morning, baby Set. We're going to study because we have a big final tonight, Seven o'clock studying to you after this, But first honest to meet her. I'm still sick, but it's a pretty day and I'm getting better. Kenneth Brown salon in Huntington Beach is where we're going. Well, okay, I'm gonna do my homework at the salon on who's getting your hair done at this salon. Like, a little section for me, So I'm gonna sit over here and do a study guide. Okay hey, it's not supposed to, because it's gonna look after, right? Yeah. I left on a at the hair salon for a minute to find some food. I think it's up here on the right, but I'm not seeing it yet, so we'll see. Um, this street so nice that there's like a really nice Forever 21 that I want to go look at. I'm working on my finals so I really shouldn't be doing now. Others might go here or I might go to the pokey place. Have secured the bowl and they usually wouldn't eat this right now. Yes, three o'clock now, Finally leaving Huntington on his aides of final pictures taken over here that she just got done. We're going to get coffee study, grab some food because we're starving. If you guys want to know who did your hair and heading to be China lingered on below. Got pizza press because it's finals week and we thought we deserved it. Free pizza eyes 5 46 Right now I have my last exam Have to actually go in for at seven o'clock hour, 15 minutes. I'm really bad about procrastinating for tests. I'm really good about getting essays done before test. I'm just so bad. So procrastinated pretty hard on this one. Study for it right now, But the teachers super nice. It's overview producing, which is a pretty big class for my major. I wanted to give you guys three tips for taking final was just to get you guys through, because I know today is Wednesday in the middle finals week, at least for me. 1st 1 don't procrastinate, and it might be a little bit too late for that. If it is, hopefully this finds you well next year or next semester or whenever it can, because procrastinating will really screw you up and mess you up. If you get on stuff ahead of time and get on top of it and stuff done, things will go a lot better for you and run a lot smoother for you. Don't miss class have said this a million times, but it's really true when you miss class. The teachers don't know you, and they just kind of like, What the heck like, who are you? Who is this kid in my class? And they don't really want to help you out. So go to class, get the information in and get to know your teachers. I've really learned that the semester, if I have a question, even know if I think it's dumb. I just raised my hand cause I'm like no one this classroom cares or my stupid question is like, I'm just gonna ask you, even if it's done, because it's better to ask it and get it right then to not ask it and get a role. I also just want to give a little birthday shout out to battle, and she's one of my subscribers. Her friends contacted me via Instagram and they were like, Can you say Happy birthday to our friend? It's her 16th birthday. Hope you have a great birthday and 16 is just the best. So enjoy it and I'm gonna go take this final Guys. She helped us and now I'm making dinner on my birthday. I burnt it that small sober in this house right now. Want a chaise longue letting so much calm it down below? If you enjoyed it.