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Hey, guys, happy back to school today with my first day of school, and I've lost a little bit last time to show you guys like me preparing for school and stuff. Next thing I got is kind of gross, but the packaging is just, like, really, really cute. Like, I don't even know they're, like, really organic. L I don't know, but yeah, they're just really cute. Then what else did I get today? I don't know. I'm definitely gonna wear out with friends, like when we go out to l. A or something. The colors like so me and I thought this was really, really cute. I'm not great art and like stuff, so I don't know, but this is just kind of some of us president did this past year, My old roommate actually inspired me to do all this. I'm gonna hide Cem other stuff in there and just do more makeup in the smaller one. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but I have a share over here is my outfit for tomorrow. I don't want to spoil it yet, and I know everyone's, like, really annoying but not showing stuff like I want to make a fun apartment tour tonight on E. And I are doing a movie night, as are, like, owed to, like, last night before tomorrow. I feel pretty, which actually solve, but I really want to watch it again and on. You haven't seen it, so I'm watching that with her, and I'm really excited. We're gonna make some popcorn, some banana ice cream later. I want to show you guys a few things about Target, cause I'm really excited about them. I'm gonna try to log as much as I can tomorrow because yeah, school one really excited. I'm uploading my video now for today, and then I'm gonna do my makeup, all my makeups in these boxes, cause like I told you guys, I'm trying to be more like, clean and organized. Like, an hour and 1/2 I still have to go and get an ad drop form because I'm not even in this class yet on the wait list, chap town crying by, don't we? Okay, so as you guys know, I'm in a sorority. Because some of them were actually really, really cool. I'm actually gonna read out the class I'm taking this semester, just in case anyone is curious, if not fast forward. I think it would be really, really dope on me, and I will look at the description. So hopefully I get in all six of them and that I could do really well. So it's gonna be harder the course that will be more But the ones that are reported for my major, like, really, really important. I'm gonna go and ground out drop forms from the registrar's, which is like office, and then I'm going to go to class, and I was a little much as I can after class. I'm gonna go and see my bed, Chloe, and I'm gonna hopefully get a coffee with her something even though I'm Are you drinking coffee right now? Cheers. I'm gonna go and try to find parking, have a strong feeling there's gonna be like, no parking. You were like weird guy sweatshirts, and I was like, I don't know, like, I know where sweatshirts are, like they're in a f, which is like one of our buildings. I know how to tell him to get their souls like it's behind the library, and they're like, OK, really What if they don't know the library? Whatever. So I'm gonna go find parking, go find the class and go sit there. I'm so happy to be back at school like I really missed it somehow you were back back in school sees anyways only and I about to leave for our four caught class. It's for a digital marketing cause, and I really, really, really want to get it will be easier for me. We're gonna make I'm gonna make spaghetti. Is I really like the 1st 1? Second was really long, but it was also good stuff. If you guys want to know what's in my school bag video, let me know. I'm gonna have some chickpea pasta with marry Nero sauce. Um, my first class was like because I really, really, really, really want to get into the English class. So hopefully fingers crossed again, and I know if that will do long, but I really want to get it tomorrow. So that's really nice, because we're gonna drive over together and, like, get Starbucks after and stuff. If you guys want more belongs in my school stuff, just let me know. All of it's really, really It was a great first day of my sophomore year and really, that's all we're thinking.