Why am I Working for CampusReel?
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So I just wanted to take a quick second to explain why I wanted to work for campus Riel. There's really three main reasons I chose twerk of campus. I am a public relations and advertising major at our film school, and I'm really interested in social media and content creation. So I thought campus Real would be a really great opportunity for me. Tow, see what it's like to create content on a deadline and really help start boiling my portfolio so I could see if it's something I really want to dio the second reason being, as as you can probably tell, I love Chapman University, and I really found that through this experience. It just help me see Chapman's campus through a whole new light. If I can show that to other people, then I would be honored to. Then the third reason kind of tying in with that is I was in your place to once, and I understand how difficult the college application process can be and how scary and tedious it is. So I think campus really is a really great resource to learn more about a school from a student's perspective. I really wish I had it when I was applying for colleges. So I would love to help contribute to a company that I really believe in. Thank you guys so much for washing, and I'll see you later.