The POD!
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So i'm with deanna and she works at the pod, which is kind of like a market on campus. So i kind of want to ask her, what is the potter wise that useful ? The students ? The pot is basically like a seven eleven, so it's like a mini communion store with a subway included and in super comedian to students, because they can come down and get snacks and drinks and subway if the cafeteria doesn't have what they want. Like one of the hours of exciting, isn't it open later than the car ? Yeah, it's open from monday through friday. It's open till two am its open till two a. M. On the weekends. It's from like, ten until two a. M. Okay. Then why do you kind of like working there ? Like, i know, kind of. So why do you like working there ? We're going there because it's a chance for you to meet new people as well. A. See some familiar faces from when i used to live on campus, so it's super nice to see those people on like, get to reconnect. Or like, what would you say are the perks are of this job ? One of the major perks is that i get every other weekend off. Every single weekend is where you have, like, an off campus. You work every single weekend, and i also have major breaks off. Then is there anything else you kind of want to add about the pot or different ? Like, i don't know, different places that you can use your flak sellers on campus or anything that you would recommend, like towards student. I recommend saving your flex because a lot of students like tio money, like, i'm just going to spend it all. So you've gotta kind of say about that flex and yeah, well, thank you so much for doing this interview. I know he worked at the pod, so it's kind of like a nice communion place on campus, so thank you.