Little Italy!
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So right now I'm headed to show you a little Italy, which is kind of like Italian tone. So just a bunch of like Italian creases to go eat and silver that it's right next to campus like a five minute walk, Max. It's a bit and then also the the subway station is also right outside, a little too. Like just a couple words on the our transportation since just show that to you. So the whole transportation system was called Archie, and there's like a train, then bust. And it says that you can take the public extradition and it's basically inter tuition, so use it as much as you can. So there's a big tree across the street that it's to preemie trees so that it's called Chrissy's. Um, and yeah, there's just a bunch of Russia on himself across the street. As you can see, my two favorite are Mia, Bella and Victoria both pretty good, so I would definitely try this out. Italy is also a residential area, so a lot of shooting Cleaven apartments and little Italy I personally don't live in Little Italy by do live like a block from it. So if everyone you off campus housing Little Italy is a good choice for it. I've been walking for like seven minutes and I am still in it. So basically it's a road I think may feel this this way. Then you turn on to Murray Hill and it just keeps going and going and going until it goes to the other side of campus. I'm Merry Hill and there's mostly homes on Murray Hill, but the end of Murray Hill towards the south side of campus. There's more restaurants, and there's like a couple bars, and there's also hotel and a couple coffee shops, too.