Final Words from Joanne :(
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I am super sad because this has been super duper fun. Two films, It's over that little bit awkward at times, but that's okay. I'm filming an outside because the lighting is good F. So, yeah, I got to take advantage of that Lady Mary, Um, so basically, and is kind and some advice and kind of like why I chose case, too. It's a very, very big decision, and yeah, but ultimately, the truce is yours. If you feel like you would fit well in a school like case, that great. I chose case mainly because of my major and kind of why I wanted to use a clear. As I said before, pre dental and so cases, a very healthy, focused on science focused campus and there's ah hospital right next campus. So that's easy for volunteering and somebody bad also doing research. A lot like it's not too big, but it's not too small, like there's still good in people you don't know. So you're always meeting new people, like every year, every week, every month and stuff like that. So that's why I chose Case and I also chose it because, uh, first swimming. I am not so meaning we're due to an injury and also partially because of academic. Um, I came on like a visit, and there was, like, affair for clubs and stuff. I just really liked all the clubs in the diversity that they had, and you're super nice and welcoming when I came on my two times, so I came on a recruiting trip and then I came on like a normal, normal, non athlete person trip. So I really liked it both those times, and that is why I chose case. I hope you guys enjoyed this little tour around. My beautiful campus with me is in campus issues, the parking lot, But I hope you enjoyed it, and you can follow me on my social media. If you want Teo, I will put it like right here somewhere. You know, you condemn me with questions at all that fun jazz. Teo, show you guys a log my days and stuff like that with you guys and hope to see you soon in the future.