Maile shows you the best kept secret on campus
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It's one of the main building for the communications department, which is which is the department that I'm so all the counselors air their most of my classes there. By spending a lot of time with classes here now, little things that a lot of students don't know about this so. You with the computer lab look like also classrooms. So down in the basement of College Park, I found out that these computers over here and the prince are over here, gives free printing all students. As long as you have an account, your student accounts. It doesn't even have to be academic, usually anywhere else on campus, whenever you need to print something every ten cents. I like coming here on Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays because it's usually empty. They're usually a lot of classes here Fridays on weekends, so I got a whole computer lab to myself. I don't have to go to the library, share like share space students and like it all cramped up. I just come to this lot and I have the whole room to myself, just pretty often.