Finals week at CSUF
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So what I'm gonna be what happened today is gonna be a finals week in my life. And I am actually on my way to Starbucks because I need to study for my biomechanics exam that I have tomorrow. Have you see here? We're on our way to study, because way we're gonna pass way. I'm going to eat this because I'm so hungry. So this is way too colonel sitting on the kitchen table because my disk is seven. I just had to do a final part Two for my own line. It's like I have plenty of time, but little bit I know is actually do, Alexis. Wow, that was a very loving I'm going with that. I had exams, and then Timmy is, um, Sunday and I just finished turning into my final research paper. Well, um, I'm gonna add the video here, so I hope you guys enjoyed my finals week at CSU. Um, yeah. If you didn't make sure you give it up himself, make sure your thumbs up subscribe. I will see you guys next time with the new video, which should be coming out to, like, very soon.